Remembrance Memorials

Georgia’s only member of the esteemed American Institute of Commemorative Art

Georgia’s only member of the esteemed American Institute of Commemorative Art

    • Companion Standard

      Stone Companion Standard
    • Single Upright

      Individual Upright
    • Upright Center Vase

      Stone Upright Vase
    • Benches

      Stone Benches
    • Companion Enhanced

      Stone Companion Enhanced
    • Infant & Child

      Stone Infant
    • Upright Heart Shapes

      Stone Upright Heart
    • Vases

      Stone Vase 3
    • Custom Designs

      Untitled design 45
    • Markers & Slabs

      d637 henley
    • Upright Custom Scenic

      Upright Custom Scenes
    • Carving Examples

      Stone Carving Examples
    • Companion Markers

      Companion Bronze Marker1
    • Single Markers

      Single Bronze Marker1
    • Commercial Plaques

      Bronze Plaques
    • Coldspring Emblems

      Coldspring Bronze Emblems
    • Double Depth Ledgers

      Single Plot
    • Single Ledgers

      Bronze Ledgers2
    • Infant & Child

      Infant Child Bronze
    • Companion Jewish Bronze Markers

      Companion Jewish Bronze
    • Single Jewish Bronze Markers

      Single Jewish Bronze Marker
    • Jewish Stone

      Jewish Stone
    • Jewish Symbols

      Jewish Bronze Emblems
    • Hebrew Lettering

      Hebrew Lettering
        • Walk-In

          Walk In Mausoleums
        • Non Walk-In

          Non Walk In Mausoleums
  • Cemeteries
  • Your Rights
  • FAQ
  • Contact
  • Our Story

Your Rights

As a consumer in the state of Georgia, you have certain rights that many do not know. Many families are told, or led to believe, that they must purchase from the cemetery. Others are told they must pay an exorbitant fee to purchase from someone other than the cemetery. Still, others are told if the memorial is purchased elsewhere, they may lose services such as grass cutting. 

The three statements above are not only false, they are considered felony offenses by Georgia law. Know Your Rights.

At Remembrance Memorials, we want everyone to know their rights and make up their own mind in a non-threatening, no-pressure environment. It is your loved one you are memorializing. Do it in your own timeframe and how you wish.  We are ALWAYS here to answer questions and offer guidance, even if you do not purchase the memorial from us. That is what we would want someone to do for us. 

These Are Your Rights

According to The Georgia Cemetery and Funeral Services Act of 2000 (O.C.G.A Sections 10-14-1 through 10-14-30):

  1. You may purchase your memorial from any legitimate company you choose. That company must be registered with the State of Georgia, and be licensed to sell funeral merchandise. 
  2. You do not pay *any* additional money or fees to the cemetery if you choose an outside memorial supplier. There is a state-regulated fee of $148 that you must pay for any memorial installed in a perpetual-care cemetery regardless of the provider.
  3. There is no urgent timeline when you must mark the grave with a memorial. Some cemeteries pressure families to do this quickly, so that families do not discover Remembrance Memorials. 
  4. By choosing an outside memorial provider, the cemetery cannot penalize a family in any manner – monetarily or by withholding services.
  5. You do not have to pay more money to the cemetery for the same or higher quality product and service.

Companion Upright Standard

Companion Upright Enhanced

Custom Upright Designs

Individual Upright Standard

& Child

and Slabs

Upright With
Center Vase

Heart Shapes

& Child


